Find your local greener practice group to connect with like minded people in your area. Greener Practice also collaborated with the Centre for Sustainable Healthcare on the Primary care course where we help run interactive workshops.
Planetary Health alliance offers an international perspective on planetary health issues.
The Centre for Sustainable Healthcare has networks.
NHS futures has a platform for sharing information run by Greener NHS.
Environmental Physiotherapy Association has a multitude of resources for Physiotherapists.
Medact campaigns for the human right to health worldwide. A key strand of their work is on climate change, fossil fuel divestment and social justice. There are local Medact groups as well as national campaigns.
Doctors for Extinction Rebellion is a branch of Extinction Rebellion, an international movement using non-violent direct action to demand that governments worldwide take urgent action on climate change, for health professionals.
Health Care Without Harm seeks to transform the health sector worldwide, without compromising patient safety or care, so that it becomes ecologically sustainable and a leading advocate for environmental health and justice.
Health Declares is a grassroots, voluntary group of health professionals and organisations from across the UK trying to help healthcare organisations to declare a climate emergency and take action.
Lobbying your MP, Council, CCG, ICS, Health Board or professional body can be a powerful way of changing hearts and minds, especially if many people do it. See our Resources section for template letters.