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Lancashire & South Cumbria

The Greener Practice Lancashire and Cumbria group started coming together in late 2023 with a small number of enthusiastic individuals and we now have almost 50 members on our WhatsApp Group, comprising staff from across Lancashire and Cumbria primary care, the ICB and medical students.  We share information and opportunities on the WhatsApp group and case-studies and resources on our website: Greener NHS :: Home (

We would love to hear from anybody interested in joining us.  

Achievements in our area over the last year include:

Chair – Dr Sarah Hopkins

Dr Sarah Hopkins is a GP and Clinical Lead for Greener NHS in Primary Care in Lancashire and South Cumbria. Sarah’s interest in sustainable healthcare stems from a concern at the rise of non-communicable ill health conditions and excessive use of prescription drugs to manage them. She believes the same lifestyle factors that cause chronic ill health also link directly to the climate crisis. She has developed an extended role in lifestyle medicine to begin to address this and is passionate about increasing skills in lifestyle medicine as a way of improving population and planetary health.


With a background in Medical Education she has taken this skill mix out to the GP training schemes across the ICB delivering workshops to GPs in training and encouraging them to embark on sustainable quality improvement projects as part of their training. She is working with the Green NHS team and hopes to work alongside Population Health to develop Sustainable Models of care especially in Asthma and Type 2 Diabetes.

Chair – Allison Sathiyanathan

Allison Sathiyanathan is the Net Zero Project Manager for Lancashire & South Cumbria. After working as a Medical Physicist for a number of years in London she moved to teach science in rural Zimbabwe and her interest in environmental sustainability began.

In her current role she has the opportunity to promote the green agenda within all sectors of the NHS and work with colleagues who are as equally passionate about the environment. Collaboration, both within the NHS and externally with other public organisations and the voluntary sector is key within her role and is the most efficient and effect way to make positive impact and change in culture.

If you are interested in joining us or want to find out more, please contact Allison by emailing: