Our group initially started in September 2020 as the Essex & Suffolk GP Sustainability Network. We are a group of GPs and other primary care professionals who are interested in promoting planetary health and reducing the carbon footprint of our surgeries. There are already examples of good practice in our area and the aim is that we work through the Green Impact for Health toolkit, sharing ideas and supporting each other in taking steps to make our practices more environmentally sustainable.
We are a friendly group and no prior knowledge is needed, just enthusiasm! We welcome all GPs and primary care professionals whether currently working or retired, as well as local healthcare students and patient representatives. We meet alternate months on Microsoft teams. For more information please contact greenerpracticeessexandsuffolk@gmail.com
Chair: Position available
After two years in the role, Vasandhara Thoroughgood is stepping down as chair. We are therefore looking for a new Chair or co-Chairs; no prior experience is needed, just enthusiasm and an interest in being sustainable! If you might be interested in this role, do get in touch.