Greener Practice Coventry and Warwickshire was formed in 2023 after members were inspired by work going on within the healthcare community nationally and elsewhere in the Midlands.
We meet virtually on a bimonthly basis and provide a supportive environment for all and any primary care colleagues to share ideas and work towards a sustainable way of practising for ourselves and for the wider world. Please join us to be a part of this growing movement!
You can join our mailing list to receive further information and invites to upcoming meetings at: Greener Practice Coventry & Warwickshire ( join our optional Whatsapp group via this link: WhatsApp Group Invite
Co-Chair: Dr Poppy Roberts
Hi, I’m Poppy Roberts and I’m a GP at Warwick Gates Family Health Centre in Leamington Spa. I’m passionate about protecting the natural environment and improving our systems to allow people to live in harmony with nature. Along with Kirsty we founded Coventry and Warwickshire Greener Practice in 2022, to kick start a network of like-minded healthcare professionals who can support and inspire each other on the journey to environmentally friendly healthcare.
Co-Chair: Dr Kirsty Beckett
Hello, my name is Kirsty Beckett, a GP at Hastings House Medical Centre in Wellesbourne. Like many people I enjoy time in nature and appreciate the positive benefits it can have for everyone, but have become concerned in recent years about the negative impacts humans are having on our world and started to think about the impact I was having at work as well as in my home life. We started this branch of Greener Practice hoping to work together with colleagues to be part of the green revolution in healthcare.
Co-Chair: Dr Katie Benge
I have joined the Coventry and Warwickshire Greener Practice team this year since taking up a fellowship post in Sustainability at the Coventry and Warwickshire ICB. I am a salaried GP at Trinity Court Surgery in Stratford-upon-Avon and also the new RCGP Midland Faculty board – Climate and Sustainability representative.
Alongside Dr Jack Bamborough I am running the “Bronze award in a day” campaign to get more practices in our area working with the Green Impact for Health toolkit.
Bronze Award In A Day
Jack (North Warwickshire) and Katie (South Warwickshire) are helping to get local GP practices registered on the GIFH toolkit and help you input some of the things you are already doing with the aim of achieving more awards for practices in Coventry and Warwickshire.
If you are not yet registered on the toolkit or would like some help logging more points or advice on small changes that can have a big impact on reducing costs, reducing your carbon footprint and ticking the CQC sustainability box then get in touch.

Greener Practice Poster
Please click here to download this poster so that it can be printed and used in your practice.