The Cheshire and Merseyside Greener Practice group started in April 2021. We provide peer support for primary health care staff to promote planetary health and improve the sustainability of their practices and a forum where we can share ideas and experiences. We also work to spread awareness of sustainable care to the wider primary care community. We meet every 4-8 weeks via zoom or face to face and are a friendly and welcoming group. Any member of the primary care team is welcome.
Contact candmgreenerpractice@gmail.com if you would like to be added to the email list or you would like support for a green initiative you have in mind.

Co-chair: Dr Nadja van Ginneken
Nadja van Ginneken is a General Practitioner with an academic background, working in an inner city practice in Liverpool, UK. She is Deputy Research Lead across the North West Coast and encourages practices to take part in research projects that address health needs and redress health inequalities affecting Central Liverpool’s diverse, seldom-heard populations. Nadja is also Environmental Sustainability Lead to the network of 10 Central Liverpool GP practices and co-chair of Cheshire and Merseyside Greener Practice, and runs projects at both network- and regional/ICB-levels to implement the Primary Care Green Plan. Projects include for example decarbonising GP practices, deprescribing, greener respiratory care, air pollution, green social prescribing, setting up practice-based gardens. I am happy to support and be contacted about any ideas!