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Birmingham and Solihull


In February 2021, a few of us formed the Greener Practice Birmingham and Solihull branch of the Greener Practice network to support each other, share initiatives and spread awareness of environmentally sustainable primary healthcare. We focused on practical steps to implement the RCGP Green Impact for Health Toolkit and to reduce our personal and practice’s carbon footprints. We grew to over 80 members from Birmingham, Solihull and surrounding areas, comprising staff from the primary care, secondary care and medical students.

Until 2023 a dedicated dozen or so met on zoom every 6-8 weeks, with internal and external speakers triggering excellent discussion and behaviour change eg Birmingham cycling mayor Chris Coyle on promoting active travel in the locality, learning how patients could benefit from activities at the Sähëlï Hubs, RSPB England project manager Sarah Walker on nature prescribing, and the manager from Thrive at Kings Heath presenting on the benefits of Social and Therapeutic Horticulture. Katrina Davies and Naomi Adelson stepped down after 2 years co-chairing but unfortunately nobody has come forward to fill the vacancies (Katrina to become a director of Greener Practice and chair of the national leads group, Naomi to become an active member of London Greener Practice). We still share information, opportunities and offer support to decarbonise via whatsapp but no longer meet up as there is nobody coordinating and running the group.

We would love to hear from anybody interested in joining the Birmingham and Solihull whatsapp group, or who would like to know more about the huge benefits we both gained from chairing (commonly shared between 2 co-chairs as less work and more fun). No previous leadership or detailed knowledge about the climate crisis is required! Just being a member of the general practice team, enthusiastic and kind- we are all at different stages and joining a group of like-minded people to take action is the best solution to climate anxiety. It’s an exciting time to be part of the Greener Practice network- we look forward to hearing from you!

Please email FAO Katrina Davies.