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Air pollution

Air pollution kills approximately 7 million people prematurely worldwide, and up to 36,000 people prematurely in the UK.

Air pollution is one of the health impacts of burning fossil fuels which is also responsible for the climate and ecological crisis.

Watch this short video which explains the health impacts of air pollution.

The Clean Air Hub website has collected everything you need to know about air pollution in one place. It includes an air pollution forecast that can help you make decisions about areas you may wish to avoid on high pollution days.

Particulate matter has a major impact on our lung health. This includes asbestos, cigarettes smoke, and dust, among other things.For more information on air pollution and particular diseases, see; the linked air quality information website is for the USA only. For worldwide and local information on air quality (updated in real time) see 

There are many ways that you can personally support reductions in air pollution and improve your health by reducing car use and choosing active travel.

Insulating your home reduces fossil fuel burning and also saves you money. See our section on Fuel Poverty for help with this – everybody can benefit from home insulation, even if you don’t feel you are living in fuel poverty.

Read this leaflet for information on how air pollution is created, and its effect on our health.