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Cornwall Health and Climate Skills Lab 2022

The Cornwall Health and Climate Skills Lab 2022 was a great success– a fortnight of extraordinary speakers from Cornwall and across the UK, and joined by health professionals operating from Cornwall, Devon, London, Leicestershire, Oxfordshire, and more – up as far as Scotland! We have heard from and swapped ideas with practice managers, GPs, consultants, dieticians, public health professionals, community food growers, patients, activists and third sector providers on diet, inhaler switching, energy, primary and secondary care collaboration, IT, transport, activism, communication, psychology of change, diabetes, respiratory health, waste, air quality, social prescription, Greener Impact for Health Toolkit, organisational change, community collaboration, growing food, public health, poverty, health inequality and more. It has been an extraordinary ride. Our network has swelled, with membership of our popular Trello Board of Green Genius increasing by 20% in just 10 days, and knowledge shared and alliances made between participants across the whole country.

This year we focussed on primary care – with lots of links to secondary care green brilliance.

The link to all the sessions – presentations and recordings – is here. If you want to join in and get up to speed, this is the perfect shortcut.

The bad news: the climate emergency is a health emergency. It’s here, it’s now, it’s bad, and it’s Us.

The good news: all action on climate ALSO delivers massive health benefits. (Obvs). We have an astonishing array of co-benefits at our finger tips. We just need to decide to grab them.

To that end:  These sessions will inspire, inform and delight. Join us. And crucially  – even if you don’t have time to listen to all the recordings in one go – share the link above to one person you think might enjoy and benefit. It’s open to all. This is how good change happens. Click, and share.

Because the action being taken on climate across our health networks is a bonfire in the darkness right now. We can promise you will feel GREAT – and that doesn’t half make a nice change, at the moment!