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Our people

Greener practice is a network of individuals working collectively. We have a fantastic group of people leading Greener Practice.

Directors of Greener Practice

Dr Aarti Bansal

Aarti is a GP in Sheffield and the Clinical Net Zero Lead for the Humber and North Yorkshire ICB. Aarti co-founded the Greener Practice network in 2017 to enable primary care to move towards environmentally sustainable healthcare. Aarti has a background in medical education and is an Honorary Senior Lecturer at Hull York Medical School. She has a particular interest in promoting high quality and low carbon asthma care. She is keen to promote the understanding that sustainable healthcare supports a positive vision of better health for people and communites and our planetary home.

Dr Honey Smith

Honey  is a GP in East Sheffield and is a co-chair of the Greener Practice National Leads Group with Tamsin Ellis. Her practice won the 2018 RCGP SYNT Green Impact Award for its efforts to reduce its carbon footprint. She also works as a speciality doctor in Sexual Health in Derbyshire and is an honorary senior lecturer at Sheffield University Medical School. She co-wrote the motion to the RCGP Council to declare a climate emergency and chaired a Task and Finish group for the RCGP. Her main focus is supporting and encouraging new Greener Practice groups and their leaders, and supporting the network to grow and flourish.

Dr Katrina Davies

Katrina is a GP in Solihull with a specific interest in the care of older people, particularly with regard to the sustainable healthcare principles of prevention, promotion of healthy aging and reducing the risk of falls and fractures, appropriate deprescribing, social prescribing and a holistic approach to anticipatory care planning. As part of her Masters in Frailty and Integrated Care at Keele University, she is working with the Centre for Sustainable Healthcare to evaluate the social impact for staff and domiciliary carers as a result of the service delivery changes necessitated by the covid pandemic in a hospital Discharge to Assess service. She co-leads green issues in the British Geriatric Society and chairs the Birmingham and Solihull branch of Greener Practice.

Dr Abigail Fry

Abi became a director of Greener Practice in 2025 and is also the vice-chair of the Greener Practice National Leads Group. She is a GP partner in Brighton and, in 2023, her practice was the first in the country to receive the newly named Platinum Award from the Green Impact for Health Toolkit. She is a GP trainer and has enjoyed supporting her Registrars with their sustainable Quality Improvement Projects. She has written up many of these and others to be included in a new section of the Greener Practice website that will be launched soon.

Dr Deepa Shah

Dr Deepa Shah is a GP in Shetland and co-leads the North East Scotland Greener Practice group. She values greener healthcare as an opportunity to transform communities to become healthy, fulfilling and fairer places to live, supporting people to thrive and flourish.   

Deepa chairs the local Area Medical Committee, is a director of Bigton Collective (a social enterprise promoting arts, health and well-being in Shetland) and is chair of Bigton Community Enterprise which runs the local community owned shop. 

Non-executive directors

Dr Liliana Risi

Lili is a Humanist Pastoral Chaplain based in an Acute East London NHS Hospital Trust and an Associate with the Human Flourishing and Creative Enquiry Team at Queen Mary University London.

She is Emeritus Provost of the RCGP North East London Faculty where she facilitated 39 Scholarships for leaders in Climate Health Creation. For many years she has worked as a GP in Tower Hamlets and in NHS Clinical Leadership roles across London including as a NHSE GP Appraiser.
Together with others she developed and published the Handy Approach to Care. She is interested in promoting trauma transformed healing care and creative climate health creation to address our “Pairs of Aces” (i.e., the interaction of Adverse Childhood Experiences and Adverse Community Environments). She has co-facilitated the London Deep End Health Equity Leadership platform growing leaders for fairer systems and healthier places. She is committed to #healthierhealthcare which is about the delivery of proportionate, respectful, and equitable care. Her role as NED will end on 31/11/2025. Follow her on

Previous directors

Dr Tamsin Ellis

Tamsin is a salaried GP in North London and an Associate at the Centre for Sustainable Healthcare where she helped design and facilitates the sustainable primary care course. She founded the Greener Practice London group in 2020 which has since grown into North and South London. She has previously worked as North Central London ICS Net Zero lead for Primary Care and was a climate and health sustainability scholar for RCGP North East London. She is interested in the crossover of sustainable primary care with improving health equity. You can hear more about her work on the Four Thought programme ‘Climate Consultations‘ @Climate_GP

During her time as director she worked on the Asthma Toolkit, the Greener Practice Platform and helped develop the CIC.

Dr Kath Brown

Kath is a GP in Cornwall and the clinical lead for Cornwall climate and resilience team which works across primary care and the voluntary sector. She is working with Greener NHS Southwest to support sustainable healthcare across primary care. Her particular interest is in social prescribing as well as food and nature based interventions to achieve healthy people on a healthy planet. During her time as director she helped with the finances of Greener Practice and added organisational structure.

Dr Mike Tomson

Mike is a retired GP and medical educationalist. He is co- editor (with Matt Sawyer) of the book Environmentally Sustainable Primary Care which was a significant focus after stepping down as a Greener Practice director. Whilst he was a director he was involved with becoming a CIC, work with the RCGP, creating stories for teaching and supporting appropriate prescribing work.  He is the co-author of the RCGP’s curriculum chapter on Population and Planetary health and has continued to be involved with RCGP’s implementation of sustainability in primary care. He is vice chair of the Trustees for the Centre for Sustainable Healthcare. He continues to be engaged with the Sheffield Greener Practice local group and to support sustainability and  appropriate prescribing initiatives locally. Retirement includes a deep retrofit of his house and more organic vegetable growing.

Dr Alison MacTavish

Alison is a GP in Dundee and was the treasurer of Greener Practice in the early days of it becoming a CIC. She now focusses on making changes within her practice and at a local level and has written a number of blogs about Greening her practice.

Greener Practice CIC

We are a not for profit organisation and our limited funds are used to serve our community and invest in Greener Practice CIC. Our directors are paid a nominal fee for upkeep and running of the company and sometimes take part in funded work on behalf of Greener Practice. We hire a small team of staff to help run the company and manage our accounts. We also have fantastic volunteers and collaborators without whom we could not function!